Today is December 17, the day this Substack article, was set to be published. I’m editing and reworking it significantly because of attacks that prevented me from accessing Substack for 2 whole days! It seems the Ops are scared and tried to sabotage in many ways from targeting the network, the the VPN, the the server and browser…you name it. That’s what happens when they are confronted by the TRUTH! They cower, squirm, gaslight, block, sabotage…and this is ALL evidence. So these aggressive attacks are federal crimes of subverting evidence.
I decided to include some of these attacks for you to see including aggressive attacks on Substack like the screenshots below.
And this network attack lasted hours. I took a lot of screenshots and videos. It was so aggressive I decided to share the evidence with a Targeted Justice Rep. That’s what I started doing so as to have a witness.
I NEVER did receive the Substack notification to Sign into my account ALL DAY yesterday but it was more progress than the day before when I couldn’t even access Substack on my browser AT ALL. It tethered for hours like the day before and still zilch. But those were signs these demons know exactly what they’re doing including when they get BUSTED and I find a way to share their attacks and daily acts of Criminal Harassment. They know they messed up BIG time and today after weeks of aggressive attacks I accessed everything smoothly as if there had never been an attack at all except they’re STILL messing with the VPN and have crashed more than 100 of my Windows programs. Regardless, they can’t hide from TMH!
As I write this my brand new VPN app is playing cat and mouse. It’s the predators trying to outsmart me, the owner of the device and the one who just downloaded the free VPN application from the Windows store. Normally the VPN connects with your network and may temporarily disconnect it to connect the VPN. However what I see happening now with this new one is that the firewall only shows when I turn OFF the WiFi. It has NEVER worked properly based on what I know from the one’s I’ve had in the past. and I just installed it. Go figure.
These daily tech updates/reports matter. I’m telling my story of daily harassment literally as it happens. Exposing the types of attacks and torture we endure should be exposed so we can compare notes and support. Maybe that’s how TMH is protecting me from getting into the heavy stuff. This daily mess is enough to communicate the message and affirm what others on Substack are writing and talking about so eloquently, so analytically and so passionately.
And this little video is just the start. There’s a trail of evidence since the cyber attack began around 12:30pm and it’s now 2:30pm and it still continues. After all the drama installing this VPN from registering to installing and utilizing has been pure nonsense.
They can sabotage every key stroke, every action, attack your system applications, tamper with your data but they never think we’re going to document this daily torture. And even though I shrug it off IT IS a repetitive, tactical, strategic military operation meant to disable ALL my communication. And they will literally dopplegang your accounts even stealing the comments you write online as in the photo below.
On a regular basis whenever I make significant comments they seem to trigger a duplication and my comment, even AFTER uploading, is still in the Comments section. In the photo below, you can see my comment already posted yet it is still there. This is definitely NOT normal!
Another example of my comments being targeted on You Tube below.
In the photo below I was watching a You Tube video and commented on it. You can see my full comment below on whatever the topic was. But then look at the very bottom. My comment is STILL there despite posting! Don’t know how that happens but I know someone is illegally accessing my keyboard and likely using Google Chrome. Note the tethering in Google colours for about 3 months now. That suggests my Google account is likely being used as the account since it was flagged as compromised as is shown above.
And this is supported by the Spy Inspector application which detected one of my accounts had been compromised and it’s Google/Gmail.
It speaks volumes someone is so bent on spying on you they will actively sabotage any and everything you do to try and protect your devices especially when you are forced to rely on FREE tech supports because you have been actively economically sabotaged as well.
Furthermore, every time I purchased a year long Antivirus subscription to protect my devices these predators sabotaged it and ended up wasting my money. The Ops illegally altered the terms of my agreement online by accessing my registration number and account.
Next thing when I turned on my computer the Antivirus I had just purchased suddenly said the coverage had “expired” and was no longer valid. Imagine. Every time I turned on my Mac the Kaspersky Anti-virus stopped working just after a week or two.
Yeah, Ops do sadistic things quite intentionally so they can access and control your computer without security detecting them. More importantly they can infest your device with all kinds of viruses and trojans that will eventually destroy your computer. This has happened to me more times than I can count and it has cost me a small fortune cleaning my devices and/or replacing them. Each time you replace a cellular device you also have to buy a new SIM Card and get a new contract.
Once again I was sent a verification email that took hours to arrive and by then the predators had compromised the new VPN - AGAIN for at least the 10th time in the last 3 months!
And we know these predators are masters of illusion and delusion. Despite the VPN Firewall FINALLY showing appearing in the image below the Network is OFF. That’s the ONLY time I’ve seen the firewall and it’s ONLY when I shut off the WiFi otherwise it has NEVER worked for my device and this is a pattern I have observed and documented well over a long period of time. Yes, we are the superheroes and sheroes of our lives and telling our stories is vital.
It’s OUR time now - our stories matter RIGHT NOW because the things we have experienced are being EXPOSED. These hidden hands are no longer “hidden” and our truths are being spoken by others - people we don’t even know. This is a sign of a huge shift.
More and more victims/targets have experienced similar types of torture and brutality by people they thought were “leaders” and “successful entrepreneurs. Just look at Hollyweird collapsing under the weight of its own demonic ritualistic practices. That’s definitely a sign and many of these celebs are egomaniacs, narcissists and abusers who get away with the crimes and violence because they’re famous and wealthy. The same people they’re obsessed with wanting to be like are secretly committing heinous acts against them - women, men, youth - even minors who thought they had been given an opportunity of a lifetime.
We’re standing up for them and ourselves at the same time. Only we have the power to expose these criminal Ops and I’m so proud to be among those who are rising up to create a new world of peace, joy, healing in the midst of brutality and corruption. These Ops, handlers, and their handlers are ALL being exposed and our justice, our victory is guaranteed! Stay UP!
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